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Brokers Selling Cigna Healthcare Medicare Plans
Our Medicare plans offer your clients flexible coverage options, no-cost programs and services, and more.
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We make it easy to start selling our IFP, U.S. Employer, Medicare, and Supplemental insurance plans.
Cigna Healthcare Brokers
Our Medicare Products
Our flexible coverage options include Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement Insurance Policies1, and Medicare PDP to meet the needs of your clients.
Medicare Advantage (Part C)
Medicare Supplement Insurance Policies
Medicare PDP
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Offer Value to your Clients
Popular Coverage Options
Guidance from Start to Finish
No Additional Cost Programs and Services2
Access to Benefits Anytime, Anywhere
Experience You Trust
1 Insured by American Retirement Life Insurance Company, Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, Cigna Insurance Company, Cigna National Health Insurance Company or Loyal American Life Insurance Company.
2 These programs are NOT insurance and do not provide reimbursement for financial losses. Some restrictions may apply. Programs and services may be added or discontinued at any time. Customers are required to pay the entire discounted charge for any discounted products or services available through these programs. The Healthy Rewards program is provided by Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. Programs are provided through third party vendors who are solely responsible for their products and services. Program availability may vary by location, and are not available where prohibited by law.
3 Across all lines of business. The Cigna Group Annual Reports
4 Pharmacy coverage is only available with medical plans administered by Cigna HealthcareSM.
Cigna Healthcare products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of The Cigna Group, including American Retirement Life Insurance Company, Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, Cigna Insurance Company, Cigna National Health Insurance Company or Loyal American Life Insurance Company. The Cigna Healthcare name, logo, and other Cigna Healthcare marks are owned by The Cigna Group Intellectual Property, Inc.
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Individual and family medical and dental insurance plans are insured by Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company (CHLIC), Cigna HealthCare of Arizona, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Illinois, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Georgia, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of North Carolina, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of South Carolina, Inc., and Cigna HealthCare of Texas, Inc. Group health insurance and health benefit plans are insured or administered by CHLIC, Connecticut General Life Insurance Company (CGLIC), or their affiliates (see a listing of the legal entities that insure or administer group HMO, dental HMO, and other products or services in your state). Accidental Injury, Critical Illness, and Hospital Care plans or insurance policies are distributed exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of The Cigna Group Corporation, are administered by Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, and are insured by either (i) Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company (Bloomfield, CT). The Cigna Healthcare name, logo, and other Cigna Healthcare marks are owned by The Cigna Group Intellectual Property, Inc.
All insurance policies and group benefit plans contain exclusions and limitations. For availability, costs and complete details of coverage, contact a licensed agent or Cigna Healthcare sales representative. This website is not intended for residents of New Mexico.
La aseguradora publica el formulario traducido para fines informativos y la versión en inglés prevalece para fines de solicitud e interpretación.
The insurer is issuing the translated form on an informational basis and the English version is controlling for the purposes of application and interpretation.