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    Medicare Advantage Extra Benefits

    Discover some of the additional benefits that may come with your Medicare Advantage plan.

    Shop and compare Medicare Advantage plans now

    Or, call us at (TTY 711) 8 am - 8 pm, Monday - Friday. Messaging services used weekends, after hours, and federal holidays.

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    Find in-network pharmacies and covered prescriptions, too.

    Some Medicare Advantage plans have extra benefits that give you even more access to important health care resources. These benefits are also called “Supplemental Benefits for Medicare Advantage plans.”

    You can also check your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) to see if these benefits are included in your plan.

    Over-the-Counter (OTC) Benefit

    Your plan may include an OTC benefit. This OTC benefit provides you with a quarterly allowance to help cover the cost of your OTC medications, as well as health and wellness products. The dollar value of your quarterly allowance depends on your plan.

    How do I use my quarterly allowance? 

    You can use your full quarterly allowance anytime during the quarter. There are many health and wellness products you can choose from using your OTC Benefit Catalog [PDF] or in a retail setting. Your quarterly allowance will be automatically loaded on your Cigna Healthy Today® card. Unused balances will not roll over to the next quarter.

    You can visit Cigna Healthy Today to review your quarterly balance, shop online, find retail locations, and see which eligible products you can purchase.

    There are several convenient ways to purchase OTC products with your allowance:

    • Shop online: Visit Cigna Healthy Today to set up an account and access online shopping.
    • Order by phone: Call 1 (866) 851-1579 (TTY 711), Monday-Friday, 8 am-11 pm ET.
    • Mail in an order form: Complete and mail in the order form located in the OTC Benefit Catalog [PDF].
    • Shop in-store: Purchase OTC products at participating retailers, nationwide.

    When ordering online, by phone, or with an order form, you can place an order once a month. When purchasing in-store, you can make a purchase as many times depending on your available funds. 

    What can I order with my quarterly allowance? 

    You can order items such as bandages, aspirin, cold and sinus medicine, and vitamins and minerals. Review the OTC Benefit Catalog [PDF] to see eligible products. You can also visit Cigna Healthy Today to look up products and retail locations.


    Benefit Tips with Dr. T: Over the Counter (OTC)

    You get a quarterly allowance to buy OTC medications and supplies, including things like first aid supplies, aspirin, compression socks, and so much more. Find out how to make the most of this valuable benefit and learn how your OTC amount is automatically loaded on to your Cigna Healthy Today card. (Length: 00:01:42)

    Watch Video

    Benefit Tips with Dr. T: Over the Counter (OTC)

    Cigna Healthy Today Card

    Your plan includes a personal prepaid card that is loaded with benefits that are included within your plan. You can use this card to pay for eligible items and services. Plus, we will add funds to your card when you complete certain healthy activities.

    Benefits that may be loaded on your card include:

    • Cigna Medicare Advantage Incentive Rewards
    • OTC Allowance
    • Pet Allowance
    • Living Needs Allowance

    The benefits and amounts loaded on the card are dependent on the plan you are enrolled in. View plan documents for details on specific plans.

    Learn more about the Cigna Healthy Today card [PDF] 

    Dental Services

    Cigna Dental Care (DHMO) Benefit

    Your plan may include a range of preventive dental services, such as oral exams and cleanings. Some plans may also include comprehensive dental coverage, such as fillings, extractions, root canals, dentures, and other services. We provide a Dental Information Care Guide with your Welcome Kit or end-of-the-year renewal mailing. It is important to review this information to know what services are covered under your plan.

    How do I find an in-network Cigna Dental Care dentist?

    • Search the Online Provider Directory
    • Or, call Cigna Healthcare℠ Dental Customer Service at 1 (866) 213-7295 (TTY 711). Arizona customers, call: 1 (800) 367-1037 (TTY 711)

    October 1 - March 31: 8 am - 8 pm, 7 days a week

    April 1 - September 30: 8 am - 8 pm, Monday - Friday


    Benefit Tips with Dr. T: Dental Care (DHMO)

    Watch Dr. Grant Tarbox, National Medical Director, give an overview of preventive dental services, such as oral exams and cleanings. Hear more about how your Cigna Healthcare Medicare Advantage plan may also include comprehensive dental coverage, such as fillings, extractions, and other services. (Length: 00:01:32)

    Watch Video

    Benefit Tips with Dr. T: Dental Care (DHMO)

    Cigna Dental Allowance (DPPO) Benefit

    Your plan may include a Dental Allowance. The yearly allowance helps pay for routine dental services not covered by Original Medicare such as exams, cleanings, x-rays, fillings, root canals, crowns, and dentures. Limitations, exclusions, and restrictions may apply. All allowance benefits use the Cigna Dental Allowance (DPPO) network.

    There are three types of Dental Allowance Benefits:

    • Full Dental Allowance Benefit: Full allowance dental benefit allows you to see any licensed dental provider who is not excluded by Medicare. If you see a provider in the Cigna Dental Allowance (DPPO) network, you’ll receive a discount to help your allowance dollars go further.
    • Dental Allowance In-Network Only Benefit: Allowance that can only be used in-network (INN) with a Cigna Dental Provider. There is no out-of-network (OON) coverage. If you choose to go OON, the customer is responsible for 100% of any OON billed charges.
    • Dental Allowance with 50% Out-of-Network Coinsurance Benefit: Allowance that can only be used in-network (INN) with a Cigna Dental Provider. If you choose to go out-of-network (OON), the customer is responsible for 50% of OON billed charges.

    Benefit Tips with Dr. T: Dental Allowance (DPPO)

    Your Cigna Healthcare Medicare Advantage plan may include a Dental Allowance. Learn more from Dr. Grant Tarbox, National Medical Director, about how this yearly allowance helps pay for routine dental services not covered by Original Medicare such as exams, cleanings, and more. (Length: 00:01:22)

    Watch Video

    Benefit Tips with Dr. T: Dental Allowance (DPPO)

    Part B Giveback

    As part of your plan, you may have a monthly reduction to your Medicare Part B premium. That means Cigna Healthcare pays a portion of your Medicare Part B costs each month to the Social Security Administration (SSA). This benefit is automatically deducted each month from your Part B costs. It may take up to 90 days upon enrollment to start and get approved by the SSA. If the SSA does not include your giveback benefit in the first few months, they will pay you a lump sum in your Social Security check for the previous months that were missed.


    Benefit Tips with Dr. T: Part B Giveback

    As part of your Cigna Healthcare Medicare Advantage plan, you may have a monthly reduction to your Medicare Part B premium. Dr. Grant Tarbox, National Medical Director, describes how Cigna Healthcare may pay a portion of your Medicare Part B costs each month to the Social Security Administration (SSA). (Length: 00:01:23)

    Watch Video

    Benefit Tips with Dr. T: Part B Giveback

    Transportation Services

    Your plan may include routine health-related transportation for a certain number of non-emergency, one-way trips to or from approved health-related facilities within 70 miles.

    What does my transportation benefit cover?

    Your transportation benefit covers vans, taxis, wheelchair-equipped vehicles, and rideshare services (Uber or Lyft where available) arranged through our transportation vendor. Any other means of non-emergency transportation requires authorization. The maximum number of trips varies according to your plan.

    How do I schedule transportation services?

    To schedule your transportation services or to learn more about your benefit, please contact our transportation vendor, 24/7, at 1 (866) 214-5126 (TTY: 1 (855) 823-8587). You must request transportation 48 hours before your appointment. Mileage restrictions may apply.


    Benefit Tips with Dr. T: Transportation Services

    Watch Dr. Grant Tarbox, National Medical Director, explain how your Cigna Healthcare Medicare Advantage plan may include health-related transportation for non-emergency trips to or from facilities. (Length: 00:01:33)

    Watch Video

    Benefit Tips with Dr. T: Transportation Services

    Vision Services

    Your plan includes Medicare-covered vision services, such as well eye exams and diabetic retinal and glaucoma exams if you are at high risk. It may also include supplemental vision services for a routine eye exam and/or a yearly allowance toward the cost of lenses, frames, or contacts. Vision services must be obtained from a provider within our vision vendor network to be covered.

    Please refer to the chart below to get more information on your Supplemental Vision Services and Medicare-covered Vision Services.

    Medicare-Covered Vision Services:

    AZ: (TTY 711)
    8 am - 8 pm, 7 days a week
    All other states: (TTY 711)
    8 am - 8 pm, 7 days a week

    Supplemental Vision Services:

    Supplemental Vision vendor (EyeMed): (TTY 711)
    April 1 through September 30:
    8 am - 2 am ET, Monday - Friday
    8 am - 11 pm ET, Saturday
    11 am - 8 pm ET, Sunday
    October 1 through March 31:
    8 am - 2 am ET, 7 days a week

    Hearing Services

    Your plan may include an additional hearing benefit that covers a routine hearing exam, hearing aid fitting evaluation, and a hearing aid allowance. This benefit is managed by our hearing health vendor, Hearing Care Solutions.

    How do I get hearing benefits?

    You must contact Hearing Care Solutions to take advantage of your hearing benefits. A separate primary care provider/specialist cost-share will apply if additional services requiring cost-sharing are provided. You are responsible for all costs over the maximum coverage amount.

    To find a hearing health care provider in your area and/or to schedule an appointment, call Hearing Care Solutions at (TTY 711), Monday-Friday 7 am - 7 pm CT.

    For additional information, you can visit Hearing Care Solutions

    Fitness Benefit

    Your plan may include a fitness benefit. Get healthier with your fitness benefit provided through the Silver&Fit® Healthy Aging and Exercise program. This program offers a fitness center membership or home program to meet your unique needs.

    How do I enroll?

    There are two ways to enroll:

    • Online at
    • Call Silver&Fit toll-free at (TTY 711), Monday - Friday, 8 am - 9 pm ET

    Home-Delivered Meals Benefit

    Your plan may include a home-delivered meals benefit. Get help after your hospital or skilled nursing facility stay with our post-hospital meal program. This benefit is offered through GA Foods and provides 14 nutritious meals delivered to your home after each qualifying stay. It can help make your transition back home more comfortable.

    When can I use this benefit?

    You can use this benefit after you are discharged from an acute inpatient hospital, or skilled nursing facility stay, up to 3 times per year. The benefit does not apply to discharge from a behavioral health facility.

    Virtual Companionship Program

    Your plan may include a virtual support companionship benefit. Our Companionship+ Program includes phone calls with virtual companions who can provide social engagement and help coordinate non-medical services, such as transportation, meal deliveries, home-safety options, and more. Interactive events are also available by phone or computer. Recommended items, services, or programs may have additional costs.

    Your plan will offer a set number of hours for this virtual companionship benefit which can be found in your EOC.

    How to use:

      • Call Homethrive at 1 (844) 343-8714 (TTY 711) Mon – Fri, 8 am - 5 pm
      • Visit Homethrive for more information about the program
      • Schedule a phone appointment

    Caregiver Support Services

    Your plan may include a Caregiver Support benefit. If you're a caregiver or someone helps take care of you, support is available. This benefit includes consultative services to help with caregiving, locating resources for your loved one, stress management, and health-related social needs, such as nutrition. Caregivers can receive one-on-one coaching via telephone or virtually through the program's digital application at no cost. Recommended services or programs may have associated costs.

    • Individual assessments that focus on all aspects of care, including social health needs such as nutrition, finding resources, and stress management.
    • One-on-one coaching for caregivers who need personal support and guidance via app or phone.

    How to get started:

    You must contact our Caregiver solutions partner, Homethrive, directly to take advantage of potential benefits.


    In-Home Care Providers

    We partner with in-home care providers that offer a variety of health care services virtually or in the comfort of your home. This program does not replace the relationship between you and your primary care physician (PCP). The in-home care providers work with your PCP to manage your care and tell you about health programs and services you may need.

    What to expect during your visit

    A licensed medical staff will meet with you and discuss the reason for your visit along with:

    • Review your health information including your health history and medications.
    • Address any health concerns by answering your questions and talking about your goals.
    • Help provide you with community resources and additional support you may need.

    Eligibility and cost:

    This program offers a variety of services to our customers depending on their needs and eligibility and is included at no extra cost as part of their health care coverage.

    For more information about this program, check your eligibility, or to set up an appointment, please call the Cigna Healthcare Customer Service phone number listed on the back of your ID card. For MDLive and DispatchHealth®, you can find out more information or schedule an appointment by visiting their website.

    Cigna Healthcare works with the following in-home care vendors:


    Benefit Tips with Dr. T: In-Home Care

    Learn from Dr. Grant Tarbox, National Medical Director, how Cigna Healthcare Medicare Advantage partners with in-home care providers that offer a variety of health care services virtually or in the comfort of your home. (Length: 00:01:20)

    Watch Video

    Benefit Tips with Dr. T: In-Home Care

    Let's Get Started

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    Diabetic Supplies

    If you are managing diabetes, we help make it easier and more affordable to get diabetic monitoring and testing supplies. If your plan covers preferred brand diabetic supplies, you can get them delivered to your home.

    Diabetic supplies offered (depending on your plan):

    Preferred blood glucose monitors
    Your plan covers one preferred blood glucose monitor and one preferred continuous glucose (blood sugar) monitor (CGM) every two years (Authorization rules may apply). Preferred brands include:

    • Abbott Diabetes Care: FreeStyle Lite, FreeStyle Freedom Lite, FreeStyle Precision Neo, FreeStyle Libre 2 (CGM), FreeStyle Libre 3 (CGM), and FreeStyle Libre 14-Day (CGM)
    • LifeScan Diabetes Care: OneTouch Ultra 2, OneTouch Verio Flex
    • Dexcom: Dexcom G6 (CGM), Dexcom G7 (CGM)

    Preferred diabetes test strips

    • Your plan covers 200 preferred-brand test strips every 30 days.
    • Preferred brands include Abbott and LifeScan. If you need additional test strips, you may submit an exception request by calling Customer Service.

    Additional diabetic supplies, depending on your plan

    • You may have medical coverage for control solution, lancets, and lancet devices.
    • You may have prescription drug coverage for syringes, needles, alcohol swabs, gauze, and insulin injection devices.
    • Some or all of these supplies may be available at no cost to you or subject to coinsurance.

    You can have your diabetic supplies delivered straight to your door through Express Scripts® Pharmacy or you can visit any in-network retail pharmacy.

    Programs and Services

  • Case Management
  • Get help managing chronic or new health issues.
  • Healthy Rewards 
  • Discounts on health and wellness programs (myCigna login required).
  • Medication Therapy Management
  • If you take multiple medications for a chronic condition, get help from a pharmacist.
  • Pharmacy Network 
  • Save on copays with a Cigna Healthcare preferred network pharmacy.
  • Learn More About Medicare

  • What is Medicare?
  • The basics of Medicare.
  • Choosing a Medicare Plan
  • Steps to follow when deciding which plan is right for you.
  • What is Original Medicare (Part A and Part B)?
  • Find out how Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) works.
  • View more Medicare articles
  • Customer Plan Links
  • Choosing a Medicare Plan
  • Contact Cigna Healthcare
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  • Eligibility and Enrollment
  • Filing a Grievance
  • Medicare Appeals Process
  • Medicare Coverage Decisions and Exceptions
  • Medicare Disenrollment
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  • Pre-Enrollment Disclaimers
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  • About Cigna Healthcare
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  • Medicare Pharmacy Resources
  • Pharmacy Residency Programs
  • Medicare Links
  • Medicare Ombudsman
  • Medicare Complaint Form
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  • Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D Policy Disclaimers

    Cigna Healthcare products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of The Cigna Group. The Cigna Healthcare names, logos, and marks, including THE CIGNA GROUP and CIGNA HEALTHCARE are owned by The Cigna Group Intellectual Property, Inc. Subsidiaries of The Cigna Group contract with Medicare to offer Medicare Advantage HMO and PPO plans and Part D Prescription Drug Plans (PDP) in select states, and with select State Medicaid programs. Enrollment in a Cigna Healthcare product depends on contract renewal.

    To file a marketing complaint, contact Cigna Healthcare or call 1-800-MEDICARE (), 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, TTY . Please include the agent/broker name if possible.

    Medicare Supplement Policy Disclaimers

    Medicare Supplement website content not approved for use in: Oregon.

    AN OUTLINE OF COVERAGE IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. We'll provide an outline of coverage to all persons at the time the application is presented.

    Our company and agents are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or the federal Medicare program. This is a solicitation for insurance. An insurance agent may contact you. Premium and benefits vary by plan selected. Plan availability varies by state. Medicare Supplement policies are underwritten by American Retirement Life Insurance Company, Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, Cigna Insurance Company, Cigna National Health Insurance Company or Loyal American Life Insurance Company. Each insurer has sole responsibility for its own products.

    The following Medicare Supplement Plans are available to persons eligible for Medicare due to disability: Plan A in Arkansas, Connecticut, Indiana, Maryland, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia; Plans A, F, and G in North Carolina; and Plans C and D in New Jersey for individuals aged 50-64. Medicare Supplement policies contain exclusions, limitations, and terms under which the policies may be continued in force or discontinued. For costs and complete details of coverage, contact the company.

    This website is designed as a marketing aid and is not to be construed as a contract for insurance. It provides a brief description of the important features of the policy. Please refer to the policy for the full terms and conditions of coverage.

    In Kentucky, Plans A, F, G, HDG, N are available under Cigna National Health Insurance Company, Plans A, F, G, HDF, N are available under Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company and Plans A, B, C, D, F, G, N are available under Loyal American Life Insurance Company.

    Kansas Disclosures, Exclusions and Limitations

    Medicare Supplement Policy Forms: Plan A: CIC-MS-AA-A-KS, CIC-MS-AO-A-KS; Plan F: CIC-MS-AA-F-KS, CIC-MS-AO-F-KS; Plan G: CIC-MS-AA-G-KS, CIC-MS-AO-G-KS; Plan HDG: CIC-MS-AA-HDG-KS, CIC-MS-AO-HDG-KS; Plan N: CIC-MS-AA-N-KS, CIC-MS-AO-N-KS

    Exclusions and Limitations:

    The benefits of this policy will not duplicate any benefits paid by Medicare. The combined benefits of this policy and the benefits paid by Medicare may not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the Medicare Eligible Expenses incurred. This policy will not pay benefits for the following:

    (1) the Medicare Part B Deductible;

    (2) any expense which You are not legally obligated to pay; or services for which no charge is normally made in the absence of insurance;

    (3) any services that are not medically necessary as determined by Medicare;

    (4) any portion of any expense for which payment is made by Medicare or other government programs (except Medicaid); or for which payment would have been made by Medicare if You were enrolled in Parts A and B of Medicare;

    (5) any type of expense not a Medicare Eligible Expense except as provided previously in this policy;

    (6) any deductible, Coinsurance or Co-payment not covered by Medicare, unless such coverage is listed as a benefit in this policy; or

    (7) Preexisting Conditions: We will not pay for any expenses incurred for care or treatment of a Preexisting Condition for the first six (6) months from the effective date of coverage. This exclusion does not apply if You applied for and were issued this policy under guaranteed issue status; if on the date of application for this policy You had at least six (6) months of prior Creditable Coverage; or, if this policy is replacing another Medicare Supplement policy and a six (6) month waiting period has already been satisfied. Evidence of prior coverage or replacement must have been disclosed on the application for this policy. If You had less than six (6) months prior Creditable Coverage, the Preexisting Conditions limitation will be reduced by the aggregate amount of Creditable Coverage. If this policy is replacing another Medicare Supplement policy, credit will be given for any portion of the waiting period that has been satisfied.

    Selecting these links will take you away from to another website, which may be a non-Cigna Healthcare website.

    Y0036_25_1271910_M | Page last updated 01/02/2025